Saturday, December 10, 2011

True Love Leads to Sex and Usually Children

It helps to clear your head, in a relationship question, to think that this person is going to share your Deepest, most private realities...most personal parts of your life.  And also, that if they have been in other relationships, they are bringing those people And their partners with them.  Do you want this person to know your most private details?  Have they been living with/married to another person?  If they have, then they have dealt with the whole sexual thing...even if they've lived with's the same thing. If they believe in living with someone, then they believe in not having self control.  It's possible that they believe in sexual pleasure without responsibility.  Do they freeze on children and their partner's fertility?  Is it possible that they have lived a lifestyle that is only focused on themselves?  Are they self-focused and egotistical? 
If they value children, they value their partner's fertility.  Then they value the whole love-sex-children thing, and they believe in God.  This is the test of their lovingness and reveals their selfishness. 
What do they think about Sex and children?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The GRANDFather talks about Sex Part I

Josh was here.  We heard for weeks that "Josh is coming!" all around the Va. Tech campus in the late 70's.  There were chalk reminders and crime scene silhouettes on the sidewalks murmuring the message  beneath our feet, that had the whole campus buzzing...At a state school of 25,000, during the Playboy years of the late 70's before The Judgement of the STD's began, the 3000 person Burrus Hall Auditorium was packed.  Josh came, he held court, and he left.  He left us with something that we never let go of.  That was the knowledge that the Bible was historically true and reliable, and that we could base our life on it.  I became a convinced and empowered believer in Jesus Christ and left behind the nice little Church girl. 
Well, Josh was here again.  The Evangelical Giant spoke at the Center of Pentecostalism in the rolling springtime fields in Falcon, NC.  He came like a 71 year old Grandfather who will tell you what you need to hear, whether or not you think you need to hear it.  The GRANDFather.
       He spoke to young people of the reality of the Attack on Youth to destroy them through Sexual Immorality. His focus was on knowing what Love means, that "Making Love" doesn't have anything to do with actual Love in many, many people's lives who don't know the Creator God of the Universe.  Love, he said, is defined in the book of Ephesians 5:28,29 in the Bible, where it talks about a man loving his wife like his own body, Nourishing and Cherishing her.  Basically Providing for and Protecting her to Maturity.
     Men need to love themselves, as well as women; They both need to nourish and cherish themselves.  Then they are able to love others.  Do NOT marry a man who doesn't love himself, he warned.  And absolutely don't have sex with such a man.  Rather a girl needs to Believe that "You'll get what I've got when I want to give it."   To be continued

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Right to Purity

How our nation treats our young people's innocence reveals the goodwill or lack of it among the leaders.  Every one of us is born a virgin, and the leaders of our institutions reveal their true motives towards their charges as they follow policies that either strengthen the resolve of our youth to exercise self control until marriage, or they feel that virginity is worthless, yet they take much interest in defrauding youth of it, or encouraging policies that defraud youth of it. For example, universities used to have strict visitation policies and chaperones that were just as much a part of the college experience as classes and exams.  How is it that we have dormitories that have been described in books such as Binge, as sites of a year-long orgy of drugs, alcohol, and sex?  How did the guardians of these universities decide to do away with chaperones and curfews, and to allow and to even encourage hedonistic promiscuity?  How did we get from Leave It to Beaver to Woodstock? From creating a family, a haven for children, and instead fostering hedonistic anarchy and children of chaos?  Some of the stories from the last century will shed some light on the ravaging of American universities.